Truth is the Antidote to Suffering

2 min readJun 11, 2024


We all suffer and from what I can tell, we all dislike it just as equally.

When you suffer a lot or when the suffering outweighs the amount of joy, you experience in your life, suffering can feel all consuming. It isn’t the end of the story, but it can often feel like the end of your life.

Suffering is central to the Christian experience. Redemption comes through suffering. But our culture doesn’t deal with it very well, even though there’s something beautiful and holy about suffering, pain, and … We are not even close to being on speaking terms with it.

I think if you get people to expose themselves to what they are terrified of, being terrified isn’t the end of the story. Recovering is the end of the story. Just how Jesus’s end of the story wasn’t his crucifixion, but his resurrection.

So the pathway to less suffering?

It’s through suffering!

How do you make it worse?

Run away.

How do you make it better?


There has never been and there will never be a short cut.

Personally, I’ve come to think that the more suffering one experiences the more truthful one has to strive to be.

Lies, the tool of the snake in the Garden of Eden, do the exact opposite. They lead to the gas chamber, the Gulag, the mass execution ditch. Truth stops you falling down into what is worse and might enable you to reach something better. But it is a certainty that lies make everything worse. If nothing else, lies make you lose who you are at the worst possible time.

Truth and meaning are the only antidote to suffering.

Dragons don’t die, they transform. And it’s our duty if we’re to survive, to transform with them. To become a bigger and badder hero, and move onto the next flying, fire breathing serpent, who or whatever that may be. And while it sounds crazy, maybe even appreciate each Dragon for helping make us who we are.

B 🤍

Originally published at on June 11, 2024.




We write openly about our very traumatic childhoods. Understanding. Understanding. Unquestionable understanding. That's the message God has for you always!