Mirror Mirror ~ What is Protection?
Introspection — what better way to start a week.
Question — When you receive no protection as a child, how do you know what it feels like?
I can look up the meaning of protection and I understand what it means. But, my heart has a hard time discerning protection. When you don’t have a deep understanding of protection, you walk alone with sudden unknowns lurking in the shadows. That’s not a good way to live.
All of my life this burden has been with me. It creates fear and the need to control. But, I know in reality I control very little in the big scheme of life. I couldn’t even help the murdered woman with all of my wrangling of the police and different authorites. It saddens me.
And, I have lived a very full life. One that has been felt on the deepest levels that exist. I am proud of myself for carrying on inspite of the hurdles I was given. God remains my beacon.
Ask yourself this question: What does protection look like to you?
Originally published at https://prisonerbynocrimeofmyown.com on June 19, 2023.