Mental Slavery

3 min readJun 20, 2024


Evil is a concept that has permeated human thought and culture for millennia. It represents the antithesis of good, the shadow that lurks in the corners of our existence. But what is evil, truly? At its core, evil can be understood as the conscious infliction of suffering, the deliberate act of harm that shatters the integrity of another human being.

It thrives in the absence of truth, where deception, abuse, and cruelty take root.

One of the most insidious aspects of evil is how it can bind us to our past, creating a form of mental slavery. When we experience abuse, the scars it leaves are not merely physical or emotional; they seep into the very fabric of our identity, influencing our thoughts, actions, and perceptions. The pain and trauma of past abuses can create a prison of our own making, where we are trapped in a cycle of victimhood and resentment.

To overcome this form of mental slavery, we must confront the truth. This is not an easy path, for the truth is often painful and uncomfortable. It demands that we face our traumas head-on, acknowledging the full extent of the abuse we have endured and the impact it has had on our lives. It requires a brutal honesty with ourselves, a willingness to dissect the narratives we have built around our suffering.

The truth sets us free by illuminating the reality of our experiences and dismantling the lies that keep us chained to our past. It allows us to see the patterns of behavior and thought that perpetuate our victimhood, giving us the insight needed to break free from their hold. Through this process, we can begin to reclaim our autonomy and agency, moving from a place of passive suffering to active healing.

Avoiding the trap of succumbing to the past involves a commitment to continuous self-reflection and growth. It means recognizing that while we cannot change what has happened to us, we have the power to shape our response. We must actively choose to reject the bitterness and resentment that threaten to consume us, opting instead for a path of resilience and strength.

It is crucial to understand that this journey is not solitary. We need the support of a community, trusted individuals who can help us navigate the complexities of our emotions and experiences. We must seek out those who encourage us to embrace the truth and who hold us accountable to our commitment to overcome our past.

In the face of evil, it is our duty to cultivate the good within ourselves. This means fostering virtues such as courage, compassion, and integrity. By striving to embody these qualities, we create a counterforce to the darkness that seeks to engulf us. We become beacons of light, not only for ourselves but for others who are grappling with their own struggles.

Ultimately, to avoid succumbing to the past, we must embrace the truth, confront our pain, and actively work towards personal growth and healing. In doing so, we break the chains of mental slavery and reclaim our power, forging a path towards a future defined not by the shadows of our past but by the strength and resilience of our spirit.

B 🤍

Originally published at on June 20, 2024.




We write openly about our very traumatic childhoods. Understanding. Understanding. Unquestionable understanding. That's the message God has for you always!