Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you.

I’d like to build a community where we support each other so I’m starting today, Saturday, as a community share. Each week I’ll post and I would love you join in.

Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

A Jewel: Owning my personal story with full integrity.

A Gem: Not hiding behind the shield of denial.

Metaphorical Gunpowder: Sharing in full honesty revealing what could easily stay hidden and become a stumbling block for myself.

Please comment below by leaving your jewel, a gem or something you keep yourself free from with metaphorical gunpowder.

Happy Saturday!

Keep steady in the battle. Together we do win the war against childhood crimes.

Originally published at on February 6, 2021.




We write openly about our very traumatic childhoods. Understanding. Understanding. Unquestionable understanding. That's the message God has for you always!