Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

2 min readJun 15, 2024


Posted in Tags: Healing Trauma abba, abuse, art, bible, biblical, Books, christianity, discipline, faith, father, fiction, food, forgiveness, friendship, god, holy-spirit, inspiration, jesus, literature, love, poetry, psalms-23, punishment, Reading, travel, writing

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you.

A Jewel: Forgiving what you cannot forget was a Sunday message I heard last week. While the thought of God is for me to release myself from those that hurt me, it is never His thoughts to keep me tethered to them. It is so important for me to remember that forgiving does not always mean reconiliation. To reconcile is not a mandate from God but forgiveness is.

Gem: The love I receive from God is unconditional, unearned and a free gift. I do nothing to receive it. I am a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). One of my beautiful children in this program had misbehaved the other morning before I arrived for my visit. Unbeknowst to me, she was left behind when all of the girls in the house got to go get ice cream. She understood her actions had caused this. I had already planned to take her to lunch not knowing the events of her day. We went to an upscale restaurant and had a beautiful lunch. The waitress then gifted her a free dessert at the end of her beefy bacon cheeseburger with fries. It so reminded me of God’s love. Her actions took away the ice cream trip but she received a decadant lunch with an amazing dessert just because. She looked and me and said, “I feel so special.” I told her that is who Jesus is to me every day. I believe she needed to receive some kindness that day for absolutely no reason.

Metaphorical Gunpowder: I will never be good enough to get done in life what I feel I’m led to do. It’s not my job to be good enough, it’s just my job to show up and allow God free reign to do His will through and in my life.

Father let me stay out of your way this week, let me hear your direction wisely, and lead me to the roads that you have ordained for me. I love you!

All Love!

Please comment below by leaving your jewel, a gem or something you keep yourself free from with metaphorical gunpowder.

All love!

Posted in Tags: Healing Trauma abba, abuse, art, bible, biblical, Books, christianity, discipline, faith, father, fiction, food, forgiveness, friendship, god, holy-spirit, inspiration, jesus, literature, love, poetry, psalms-23, punishment, Reading, travel, writing

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs. View more posts

Originally published at on June 15, 2024.




We write openly about our very traumatic childhoods. Understanding. Understanding. Unquestionable understanding. That's the message God has for you always!