Intentional Sin
It is difficult to believe that someone sets their heart on hurting a child, but it’s true. Many do! When you think of crimes against children, don’t forget all the calculations that have to be built around those acts. That is intentionality. Premeditated crimes.
Thought out beforehand, these people spend a great deal of time on this. They have to or they wouldn’t be sucessful. Then, they lie, manipulate, deny, cheat and steal.
The worse crime of all is that seldom do any of these pedophiles pay for what they do. They create damage in a child’s life that takes a lifetime to repair and they usually go unpunished. They rely on the fact that people don’t want to talk about such things. They depend on people pushing this under the carpet.
Even though it’s uncomfortable to confront your abuser, it is mandatory. For you, not them. If you are being hurt — tell someone and get to safety. The person hurting you means to hurt you. Don’t deny that fact.
Father, today, I pray that you watch over your people. Get them to safety. Teach them your ways, the ways that are much higher than our ways. Let them know that punishment is coming to the person that hurt them. You do not let these crimes go. You know each act that has happened and you are fighting to defend us. Of that I am certain. Protect the innocent. Hold the guilty accountable.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
Originally published at on April 19, 2023.