Fear Not Friday | Leading with Loss

2 min readJun 21, 2024


Coming out of incest we often walk our paths guided by loss and fear. Our circumstances have left us orphaned, unable to see the bonds of connections to other people. We fear finances and circumstances, people and relationships — the cost of being diconnected.

Leading with loss is somewhat a given when your childhood was robbed from you. What else did you learn but loss? Etched into the fabric of our souls the hidden drum beat of loss stays with us, guiding our steps.

It is a difficult mindset to undo because indeed it was given through experience. This is not a cajoled mindset, but a mindset learned over years of pain, rejection, and suffering.

I have a very full life. A beautiful house nestled in Ponderosa Pines on five acres. I have beautiful daugthers and they’ve blessed me with five amazing grandchildren. I have a husband that I love and he is good to me. I have a fantastic career and a faith that could move a mountain.

I still find myself walking in the discernment of loss. I know this should not be but I get trapped there — in an old way of thinking.

Father, today, I come before you and I ask that you remove the blinders of loss. Help me discover my identity in you — a much richer, fuller measure. May I believe that my days can be filled with joy, that indeed my barns and vats would overflow from the abudance of your favor. Help my unbelief. I offer to you all the believe I have that you are good.


Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs. View more posts

Originally published at http://thepedophilehuntress.com on June 21, 2024.




We write openly about our very traumatic childhoods. Understanding. Understanding. Unquestionable understanding. That's the message God has for you always!