A Price to Pay
Healing is not free. The choice to step into the arena with an incestuous family can be terrifying. That’s why many of us choose not to.
Abusers win because we fear the cost to stand against them.
We have to see the ordinary with them. They have created illusion around everything. Nothing is what it seems. Abusers lie better than truth tellers tell fact. They create emotional bonds with their victims. That emotion is not easily betrayed.
Some abusers aren’t that good at the emotional game and it is easier to walk away from them. The majority of pedophiles, however, are very good at their game of authority and emotional bondage. You seek to get free from them but their applied layers of deceit glue you to them.
Breaking free from incest is not easy. You will want to deny it. You won’t believe your mind nor your body memories that ache to be revealed.
The cost to walk in freedom is relatively small when compared to the price you will pay to stay connected to your abusers.
Originally published at http://prisonerbynocrimeofmyown.com on February 3, 2022.